Lifetime License + Monthly Fee.

* Early Access Pricing. All prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed. All sales are final and non-refundable.

Full Access Lifetime Plan

+ 29$/Monthly Fee *,** & 7-day FREE trial
  • WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Autoblog Module
  • WordPress Snippets/PAA Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 10 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Custom feature requests ***
  • Additional API costs:

Amazon API Pricing


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing


WooCommerce Lifetime Plan

+ 29$/Monthly Fee *,** & 7-day FREE trial
  • WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 5 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Custom feature requests ***
  • Additional API costs:

Amazon API Pricing


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing


WordPress Lifetime Plan

+ 29$/Monthly Fee *,** & 7-day FREE trial
  • WordPress Snippets/PAA Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 5 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Custom feature requests ***
  • Additional API costs:


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing


Monthly Subscription Plans.

* Early Access Pricing. All prices are subject to change without notice and are not guaranteed. All sales are final and non-refundable.

Full Access Monthly Plan

Starter Plan, with a 7-day FREE trial.
  • WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Autoblog Module
  • WordPress Snippets/PAA Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 10 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Additional API costs:

Amazon API Pricing


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing


WooCommerce Monthly Plan

Starter Plan, with a 7-day FREE trial.
  • WooCommerce Amazon Affiliate Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 5 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Additional API costs:

Amazon API Pricing


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing


WordPress Monthly Plan

Starter Plan, with a 7-day FREE trial.
  • WordPress Snippets/PAA Autoblog Module
  • All integrated APIs support
  • 5 simultaneous domain slots
  • Lifetime updates & 24/7 support
  • Setup Guidance
  • Additional API costs:


Deepl Translation API Pricing

NLP Translation API Pricing

OpenAI API Pricing

* All sales are final and non-refundable.

** Pre-sale Guidelines & F.A.Q.

If you can’t answer with YES to most of those questions, please consider NOT ordering a subscription plan:

  • I already operate successful SEO-oriented auto-generated content websites, and/or I have past experience in making such websites profitable.
  • I have prior experience with Amazon Associates Affiliate program.
  • I or anyone who will be managing the RankPress application on my behalf is capable of understanding and adapting to new software interfaces, and/or I or anyone in my team is experienced with setting up WooCommerce stores, WordPress Blogs, retrieving REST API keys, and so on.
  • I understand that RankPress is just a tool, that will help in generating ‘AI website content’, and content alone won’t rank in most cases.
  • I understand and have planned for all additional – API, SEO, backlinks, aged domains, and so on costs.
  • I have a plan that includes solid ranking strategies, besides just buying a RankPress subscription, and using it on low-quality aged domains, and/or on new domains with no or bad SEO strategy.


  • Is this software suitable for someone only planning to start Amazon AI/PAA websites?
    • Unless you have business capital that you can afford to lose and no previous internet marketing experience, I would say NO. But having software like RankPress from start, by personal experience would make a huge difference, but software alone will not make your venture successful – have a solid plan, keyword, backlink, domain, etc. strategy, before proceeding.
  • I am unable to configure or understand some or most of the software functionality.
    • First-time customers can arrange Zoom calls, and Telegram Chat support, via AnyDesk, and go over all settings – step by step.
    • Any further issues are resolved, in order of request, as soon as possible.
  • Can I order more ‘domain slots’?
    • No, at a moment, 10 slots are a reasonable amount for any single user use-case, any more would indicate resale operation, or group buying activity, which is prohibited and may result in your account suspension.
  • What is your refund policy?
    • All subscription plan sales are final. A Demo version is provided, for fully testing software functionality. The monthly fee can be canceled and restarted at future date.
    • The resale of a license/account access is prohibited.
    • Before ordering a license subscription plan, we highly advise you to contact a sales representative and fully test the software, on your live domain.
    • Account inactivity, or lack of effort, is not considered a valid reason for a refund.

*** Custom Feature Requests Guidelines

  • We can implement any feature that paid customer requests, for free, but they are not kept private/exclusive, especially if they match our development timeline.
  • We won’t fast-track features that are on our official development timeline if an order of implementation does not match our development cycle.
  • Each request is different, talk to support and we may be able to implement paid features that are really niche specific, would not meet the development timeline, and would be kept exclusive on separate SaaS instances.